Yesterday we alerted you to the fact that The Late Show With Stephen Colbert had steady, paid employment for someone who’s good at Twitter. The more visual types among you were probably asking, “Hey what about us and our Instagrams that rack up the likes?” Ordinarily we’d tell you that’s just the way life is, that someone is always going to be unhappy, but it turns out that someone will also pay you for that, as Netflix is looking for some master Instagrammers to take pretty pictures in scenic places. And while you usually have to pay for the privilege of doing this on vacation, Netflix will actually pay you to do this. What a world.
Yes, you read that right, you can get paid to take some Instagram pictures. Netflix is essentially proposing to send you on a two-week vacation to visit sets of films and Netflix originals and take pictures, while paying you $4000 and covering your travel arrangements. It’s not the steady employment that Colbert is promising, but this is still a great way to make some quick cash from an app that otherwise uses your output to sell advertising. So you want in? First follow @Netflix, and then hashtag what you think your three best pictures are with #grammasters3, all by March 6. Netflix says they’re looking for “photos that show off your interests or passions” but also that they want TV or movie fans, so we don’t know how far your really good brunch photos will get you.