NYPD arrests BK man after mistaking Jolly Ranchers for meth

Tattooed long-haired ruffians enjoying their drug of choice (the demon sugar). via Facebook

Albuquerque, and New Mexico in general, have been living it up since Breaking Bad elevated them from “Desert hellholes with some nice landscapes” to “desert hellholes with some nice landscapes where a famous TV show was made.” And while Brooklyn had a nice moment with our Breaking Bad yarn bomb, it couldn’t have hurt to have some more relevant TV-related news here. So let’s give thanks to some overzealous NYPD officers who arrested someone in Coney Island after they mistook Jolly Ranchers for crystal meth. As you do.

Adding to what’s been a bad PR cycle for the cops, the NYPD is now getting sued by Love Olatunjiojo, the Brooklyn resident who was detained after police stopped him after visiting Coney Island’s It’Sugar last June. Which, you know, we said that the chains would have a negative impact on Coney, and we’re going to consider this being proven right.

It only got worse from there, as police claimed that a field test of the candy, which were Jolly Ranchers in a package that said “Jolly Ranchers,” came back with a positive test for crystal meth. In the cops’ defense, the candy was blue, just like that TV show where that guy sold blue drugs. And while it would take some kind of weird anti-miracle for Olatunjiojo to not win his lawsuit, has anyone considered that Walter White has somehow come to life out of the TV and this is a clever ruse that only these police officers knew about?

David Colon :

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