Learn to run with The South Brooklyn Running Club

Look at that, even babies are in the club. You gonna be outdone by a baby? via SBRC

So you see all these fit people in their tights and shorts running by you every morning and you think to yourself, “Maybe I should try this jogging (pronounced, y-ogging) thing.” The problem is you can’t just take off running down the street like a lunatic. You’ll tire yourself out, for one, and you’ll probably hurt yourself. That’s where the South Brooklyn Running Club and their new Beginners Learn-to-Run class comes in.

The purpose of the class is to go on shorter runs with a group, led by an instructor associated with the club who can walk you through things like pacing, proper form, the hallucinations associated with the runner’s high and any other questions you might have about jogging. The goal of the class is to get you up to speed so you can run a 10-minute mile and join their normal group runs of 4-6 miles. And of course, it’s totally free to join.

If you want in, all you need are shorts and sneakers. We mean, they won’t not let you run in sandals or loafers, but Jesus, your poor knees. The group meets at the Carroll Park, at the corner of Court and President, will meet Tuesday nights at 8pm, Wednesday mornings at (wooof) 6:30am, Thursdays at 8pm and Saturdays at 8am. So maybe save your heaviest drinking for Saturday nights. Or you can just sweat it all out during the run, but man, people are gonna look at you funny if you’re sweating out 14 tequila shots every weekend.

David Colon :

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