Category: Sports and Exercise

If the gym fits: Reviewing Brooklyn’s most popular fitness cults

Questing for a #beachbody, but don't know which movement is right for you? We reviewed the city's hottest fitness cults,…

Yoga-tta try this: 6 yoga studios in BK that offer free classes in exchange for work

Now is the winter of our discontent. We're approaching the literal darkest time of year in terms of sunlight and…

Skate over, boys: the Gotham Girls are holding tryouts for their 2017 season

This ain't your daddy's roller rink. The Gotham Girls, New York's all-lady roller derby league and a founding member of…

Why joining this kickball league is better than a dating app

That dating in New York is hard comes as no surprise to anyone. From myths of the "Friend Zone" with longtime acquaintances to…

Attend the US Open qualifying tournament for free this week

Tennis fans who watched Andy Murray and Monica Puig clinch the gold medal in Rio on Saturday are no doubt excited…

Did you know? NYC offers a free version of ClassPass called ShapeUp NYC

The year was 2004, when Facebook launched and Michael Phelps won his first Olympic gold medal, and the City of…

A slacker’s guide to showing up for your friends at the Brooklyn Half Marathon this weekend

This Saturday, starting at an ungodly 7am, Brooklyn will be taken over by runners from around the world, runners who I…

NYC’s most scenic place to go rock climbing is now open, and its free on Saturday

One of the things your friends who live "elsewhere" in the world will tell you they don't like about New…

They can do it! Meet the New York Riveters, Brooklyn’s first women’s hockey team

It amazes me that after everything we've managed to accomplish in North America, sports teams are still gendered, and women's…

Learn to run with The South Brooklyn Running Club

So you see all these fit people in their tights and shorts running by you every morning and you think…