Categories: Events

Help dogs rescued from Harvey by drinking beer and petting pups in Gowanus

Photo via Strong Rope Brewery

For the uninitiated, Strong Rope Brewery is the unspoken dog haven of Gowanus. A sweet, simply-decorated space tucked away on a sides street, set-back but for a small, windowed, closet-like corner full of board games and the occasional puppy snout resting curiously on a shelf. On any given night, the bartender’s dog and patrons’ pups are lively co-mingling behind the bar and across the floor.

Now Strong Rope – which, psst, is a Beer Book bar – is hosting a formal, official, 110 percent authorized doggo convention. It’s for a good cause, too: all proceeds will be donated to Muddy Paws Rescue NYC, an organization which recently rescued more than 100 dogs from Hurricane Harvey-affected shelters.

Strong Rope Loves Muddy Paws will be held on Sunday, October 1 from 1-5pm at Strong Roper Brewery in Gowanus, 574A President St. There’s a cover of five belly rubs, two behind the ear scratches and one head pat.

Hannah Frishberg :Queen Brokester, native Brooklynite. The F train is my soul animal.