Despite the fact that there are some cool jobs here, the last national job forecast we saw advised people seeking money in exchange for services rendered to go west, including Colorado. And lo and behold, we’ve come across a job that you can only have in Colorado and not here: pot critic. Yes, seriously, pot critic. Sadly, you can’t telecommute to the job, so the question is, would you pack up and move for this job?
The Cannabist is offering a paid freelance gig to be a pot critic at their fine publication, and while you need a strong work ethic and have to be familiar with things like the strains, history and terminology surrounding marijuana, we think you already fit those requirements. The hardest one to fulfill at the moment is that you don’t live in Colorado. But it’s a free country, you’re an adult, and unless you have horrible horrible children that you can’t leave behind, you’re probably unencumbered enough to go strike it rich out there.
If New York was at all close to legalizing pot, this would be moot question, since jobs like this will pop up like weeds if our state ever gets around to legalizing it. But Andrew Cuomo will be in no mood to go along with that until after his failed presidential run, if he ever is, so if the job is calling to you now that you’re aware of it, we say go for it. You’ve got until 4/20 to get Cannaibst a 300 to 600 word sample review of a strin and a 100 words on why you’re the person for the job. Don’t celebrate too hard this weekend and see your chances go up in smoke though.