Categories: Careers

Help kids learn to read, and other sweet BK employment opportunities

Please teach them. Our livelihood kinda depends on it
Please teach them. Our livelihood kinda depends on it

It’s almost outdoor festival season, which means that a whole bunch of jobs are cropping up around Celebrate Brooklyn! and related events. BRIC Arts is a multi-disciplinary non-profit dedicated to bringing the borough’s art to the people. They’re looking for a full-time program coordinator, temporary web specialist, and a whole bunch of other positions. If you’re looking for something a little less long-term and a little more sweat-outdoors-while-listening-to-music, maybe you can sign on as merch or entrance staff. The possibilities are endless.

Help kids learn to read good as the Editor-in-Chief at ReadWorks, a reading comprehension curriculum provider for students in grades K-8. Seems like a big job, but someone’s gotta do it. If you’ve got experience managing an online environment, and you’ve done K-12 publishing before (helpful but not necessary), maybe you should email kathy[at]readworks[dot]org with your resume, cover letter, and salary requirements.

You could do something similar in Park Slope as the in-house editor of elementary school curriculum. Minimum of a BA is required, and prior experience is preferred, but not necessary.

Working at the Mobile Soup Kitchen wouldn’t be quite as trendy or whatever as working on one of the city’s many food trucks, but it would probably be far more gratifying. The Grand Central Food Program Coalition for the Homeless needs a part-time driver to work 4-7 p.m. Monday-Friday. Send a cover letter and resume to jobs[at]cfthomeless[dot]org.

It may not come as a surprise that Hurricane Sandy relief orgs still need people power. An Immigrant Outreach Worker with bi-or multi-lingual skills in the target community (preferably Latino, Haitian/Caribbean, and/or Chinese) is needed for work in Staten Island, southern Brooklyn, Canarsie, and the Rockaways. Email ewilliams[at]fpwa[dot]org with a cover letter and resume. sells luxury watches, gift items, accessories, and “fine pens” at discount prices. They need a copywriter to make that sound as appealing as possible and to handle SEO/analytics. Applicants down to pen copy, headlines, banner ads, and “witty text” at their Sunset Park offices should submit a cover letter, resume, and five writing samples.

According to their website, Tough Mudder is “probably the best place to work on the planet.” If you haven’t heard of them before, Tough Mudder puts together hard-ass obstacle courses with the British Special Forces to test strength, stamina, mental grit, and camaraderie. Their office jobs are probably pretty badass too, though perhaps a little cleaner. They’re looking for a course manager to help organize logistics for their events.

And in case you haven’t been keeping up with our feed, BuzzFeed is offering a paid internship for their DIY Section, and Brokelyn pals BlankSlate are looking for someone to help them sell ads.

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