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The library will make you a free custom reading list

Man, librarians are the best. You should definitely let them pick your books. via Facebook

So you’re finished with you’re summer reading, and you’re not sure where you want to go next. After all, there are so many books! Fortunately, the Brooklyn Public Library is here to save you from your own poor decisions with a new service called Bklyn BookMatch, in which they make you a personalized reading list. If there was ever a reason to pay back your massive late fees, this is it.

Bklyn BookMatch works pretty simply. You just head over to the online form the library has set up, and let them know things like if you’re looking for very specific recommendations or who you enjoy reading in general, if you want YA, children’s or adult books and your age. Even better, you can tell the library what you don’t want to read, so you can just get an endless stream of recommendations of books that say, aren’t written by men, if you’re sick of reading their books. Then you send your form off to the library and they’ll get back to you within a week with a bunch of books you should read.

Screw you, Amazon “customers who also bought this product” algorithm. If we want book recommendations just handed to us, we’re asking some actual humans surrounded by books all day.

David Colon :