Categories: Comedy

Laugh Trump out of office at this new Resistance Comedy series at Union Hall

Resistance Comedy Union Hall Make America A Laughstock
Via Clay Bennett / Chattanooga Times Free Press

With tens of millions of Americans poised to lose their health insurance, the curative powers of laughter better start really pulling their weight. While a good hearty chuckle won’t do much for the void left by your inability to afford antidepressants anymore, it’ll make your Saturday nights a lot more enjoyable, and it’ll benefit the ACLU, Planned Parenthood and other upstanding organizations, to be chosen by the comedians themselves, that could really use your money about now.

Beer-and-bocce bastion Union Hall’s booker Shannon Manning announced today that she plans on packing the venue’s unused event slots full of politically motivated comedy, with proceeds going to those golden groups that continue to fight for our rights even now that our government has #gonefascist. 

The first of the politically minded shows will be this Saturday (Feb. 4), with two back-to-back performances: the early show will be hosted by Emmy award-winning comedian Benari Poulten; a late show hosted by Atlantan Yedoye Travis. The early show is at 8pm, the late show at 10, and tickets are $8 in advance, $10 at the door.

For now, it’s just those two times, but Manning is hard at work curating future lineups and has created a website for the series — Resist. Laugh. Resist. Comedy for our common good — where you can stay tuned.

Are you a producer, comic? The event’s organizer is looking for performers for this (Superbowl) Sunday, next Wednesday and beyond. Attend an event to meet her IRL and chat.

Stay involved with other fundraisers and anti-Trump events in our weekly activism roundup here.

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Hannah Frishberg :Queen Brokester, native Brooklynite. The F train is my soul animal.