What do you usually get for volunteering? A tote bag maybe, if you’re lucky. You usually need to make do with the nice warm feeling you get for doing it, which is why it’s called volunteering and not “work.” Although it doesn’t mean you don’t deserve more than a thank you and firm handshake. Sometimes you do such a good job volunteering that you deserve a whole new house. Like all of the people who rushed out to help clean up and make food and make life easier for their neighbors who got walloped by Sandy. If you know anyone who did that, don’t be shy, because HGTV wants to give them the home makeover they deserve.
The niche cable channel is starting their own show in the vein of Extreme Makeover, and wants to give the home of a deserving community presence the kind of fixing up that makes them the envy of the block. Does it have to be a Sandy volunteer, like we’re suggesting? Well no, it can also be a big sister, a teacher or a youth baseball coach. But we vote Sandy volunteer because man did those folks ever deliver. Seriously, who’s done more for their neighbors in the last six months than the Occupy Sandy people or the throngs that went to clean up beaches and neighborhoods or make meals? If you want to nominate someone, check out the the info HGTV wants here, and, then email HGTVmakeovercasting [at] gmail.com