Help the BK Women’s Collective crowdfund a screening of ‘Girl Rising’

girl rising
Stand up for girls education by sitting down at a movie

There are of course, plenty of stupid things that people try to crowdfund, like say, sex jets to San Francisco. But that doesn’t mean the entire idea of it is bankrupt. Take The Brooklyn Women’s Collective for instance, who are trying to use crowdfunding to bring a screening of the girls education movie Girl Rising to the Court Street multiplex. You’ve seen worse movies there. We know we have.

Girl Rising tells the stories of nine different girls from different parts of the world, like Hati, Cambodia and India, countries that all share barriers to women’s education, and the young girls efforts to overcome the barriers and get an education. While the stories, narrated by big Hollywood types like Cate Blanchett, Meryl Street and Kerry Washington, aren’t documentaries, they’re each written by authors from the country they take place in, by women who know the circumstances that these girls face.

So where do you come in? The movie isn’t shown unless people buy 75 tickets in advance, which you can do right here. The tickets are the same price as your standard night out at the movies (which is to say, expensive) but they also come with the added benefit of supporting a movie and organization that’s trying to make life better for women here and abroad. Usually when you go to the movies you’re just buying Harvey Weinstein another tiger.

David Colon :