This is happening: James Murphy is opening a Williamsburg wine bar

All he wants is your pinot. via Flickr user Justin Kent

We’re never as tired than when we’re reporting someone growing up, but at this point in Brooklyn history it’s either do that or just give it up. So while he was the first one to play Daft Punk for the rock kids, James Murphy is opening a wine bar in Williamsburg called Four Horsemen.

Before you start fantasizing about a party wine bar full of drunk girls, the New York Times story about it makes it sound like Four Horsemen will not be the kind of place for North American scum to get a little drunk and act like apes. Instead, this is going to be the kind of place for that takes reservations, where you can have civilized conversation, steak tartare and 160 different kinds of wine.

One the one hand you might not have been expecting James Murphy to open up a fancy wine bar that serves steak tartare and takes reservations, but then again he appeared at GoogaMooga to talk serious food stuff and the Times also points out that the man got gout, the disease of kings, from eating like one. You might have also been thinking that we don’t live in the darkest timeline, but if you didn’t think that, then explain how it is that Murphy’s wine bar is located at 295 Grand Street, which is the space that once housed cheap vegan fast food spot Foodswings.

David Colon :