Got the eye of the tiger? Win big money at The Diamond’s staring contest

No laughing, no blinking. via Flickr user Perry McKenna

Despite whatever dreams of sports stardom you may have harbored as a child, you’ve grown up and come to the conclusion that you’re never gonna be a starting NBA point guard (not even on the Knicks). Partially because you decided to spend your time staring at screens, never blinking in an attempt to drink in everything the blessed LCD had to show you. Well now you can put those staring skills to work and make some money, because The Diamond is hosting a staring contest Thursday night that comes with a cash prize for the winner.

If you’ve lived a life of staring at things, head to The Diamond (43 Franklin Street) Thursday night and find out if you’re not just good at staring at people, not just great at it but whether you’re the very best at staring at people. According to The Diamond, the staring contest will be either a round robin-style tourney or brackets depending on how many entrants they get.  You’re allowed to laugh if you feel you must, but you can’t blink, not even once and you also can’t break eye contact with your opponent.

For the nominal entry fee of $3 you can enter the competition, but if you want your money back, you better win. The entire pot goes to the evening’s winner, so make sure you tell your friends and their friends about it so that you can walk away with the most money possible. The Diamond tells us they can’t guarantee your entry if you show up after 7:30pm, but there’s a better reason to show up early beyond making sure you get into the contest: the first 10 entrants get a free drink. So, get those eye muscles in shape and prepare to walk away with a fat stack of cash.

David Colon :