Get a free egg cream today, May 8, at Brooklyn Farmacy and Soda Fountain

Look at this jerk. via Facebook

There’s nothing like a good egg cream. Well, except if you’re a vegan, we don’t know how it would taste with soy or almond or some other blasphemous milks. For the rest of you though, tomorrow will be a great day, because aside from it being Thursday and almost the end of the week, you can also march down to Brooklyn Farmacy and Soda Fountain (513 Henry Street, Brooklyn Heights) and get yourself a free egg cream. Free? Free, and you won’t even have to ask for it in an old-timey fashion.

We got an email from Brooklyn Farmacy announcing the tasty delight happening today, May 8, in which again, you will get a free egg cream just for showing up at the store. The old-timey riffing soda fountain is giving away the egg creams in celebration of their new recipe book The Soda Fountain, which has recipes for making the very treat that the Farmacy themselves sell. Of course, what’s more important than why there are free egg creams is that there are free egg creams at all, so get to Brooklyn Farmacy and Soda Fountain today anytime between 10am and 10pm and you can snag one for yourself.

David Colon :