Get cheap comics, free beer at Desert Island’s birthday party tonight

Ain’t no party like a comic shop party cause a comic shop party’s got nerds. Sexy nerds. via Facebook

Ho hum, we’re facing yet another winter Friday, where even though it’s the end of the week and it’s time to party, we’d rather just stay home and huff our giant bottle of rubber cement, because the weather has beaten us down. Williamsburg’s Desert Island Comics (540 Metropolitan Avenue, Williamsburg) has a better idea than huffing industrial chemicals though: Come on down to the store to celebrate their sixth birthday and drink free beer.

The party goes down from 7pm to 9pm, and promises free beer only as long as it lasts, so make sure you get there early if you want to snag some of that beer. We know, the allure of rubber cement is strong, but think about how much fun it could be to party with other comics nerds. Plus, whatever the beer tells you to purchase won’t hurt you in the wallet that much, because everything in the store is 20% off.

So go ahead and drunkenly purchase that Superman trade paperback, even though Superman is decidedly the lamest of all costumed superheroes. Or, you could get a good comic like the new Hawkeye, if the store has it. Either way, free beer and attractive nerds should be enough to get you out of the apartment for a night in the winter.

David Colon :