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French government knows what’s up, warns their citizens about Times Square

Nous recherchons pour … antisémite Elmo. Avez-vous vu?

Going to a new country can be kind of scary, what with the new languages and customs, strange foods and people ranting at you about Michael Milken and the Girl Scouts of America. Even when people come to the promised land that is America, where nothing bad ever happens, their governments still have some warnings for them, as the Washington Post found. France, for example, tell their vacationing citizens that Times Square isn’t to be trusted.Seriously, it’s right here on the website of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs (you’ll just have to have your browser translate it). “Be vigilant in tourist places such as Times Square and the Statue of Liberty.” Now whether it’s because Times Square is a bad LSD trip made up entirely of Guy Fieri’s face chasing you through canyons with walls made of nothing but pulsating Applebees’ riblets, or because people will just shake you down for picture fees and make fun of your stupid hotel questions, we don’t know. But we do salute the French government for having the foresight to warn their citizens about it either way.

On the other hand, “Don’t go to Harlem or the Bronx” at night is also one of their travel advisories, so maybe they just think that New York is still stuck in 1982 or something.

David Colon :

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