Categories: Biking

Braaaiiiinnns: Put a free helmet on yours this week, so you don’t join the walking dead

See, you can definitely still look cute with a helmet. via Flickr

It’s finally bike month, and while riding on two wheels may be the best way to see the city, bicycle safety is no joke. If accidents do happen, they can be pretty bad unless you’re taking basic precautions, including wearing a helmet. Sure, maybe you don’t look as cool with that man bun all covered up. But even a slight docking of cool points is better than being memorialized with one of those ghostly white bikes on the Brooklyn streets.

In partnership with the DOT and in preparation for this weekend’s Bike the Branches tour — sure to be a helluva lot better than the Five Boro — the Brooklyn Public Library is hosting a free bike helmet fitting tomorrow (Thursday) at their Central Library in Prospect Heights. Free helmets will be available all day while supplies last. A good helmet will normally run you anywhere from $50-100, so this is a sweet deal.

If you ride regularly but haven’t been playing it safe, it’s never too early to start! And if you’ve never ridden a bike before, it’s never too late, either.

The giveaway will run from 3:30-6:30pm on Thursday, May 5 at 10 Grand Army Plaza. Make sure to show up on the early side to guarantee yourself a helmet. FWIW, this is how I scored my first bike helmet in New York when I finally got up the courage to ride. I looked like a big, giant nerd! And I’m probably still alive today to tell you that because of it!

Still not convinced? Here’s the bad cop version: forgo a helmet in BK, and you might just fall off your bike, die, and then have your face become someone else’s face.

Sam Corbin :Writer and performer based in Brooklyn. Made in Canada.