Feel good quote of the day: Brooklyn is the king of the world!

Today, Team Brokelyn is at the fourth annual Northside fest, which is looking more and more like SXSW with this year’s addition of entrepreneurship to its music, art and film lineups. Today and tomorrow, there are panels featuring CodeCademy, Mashable, Etsy, MakerBot and so on.

So why do business and Brooklyn go together like artisanal mayonnaise and pasturesmithed bacon? As Northside CEO Scott Stedman tells Billboard.biz:

“Our entire company is built around the idea that Brooklyn has become a national adjective for what’s next. Emerging trends—all aspects of culture, innovation and creation—are coming out of Brooklyn, and over those four years, it has continued to evolve. Brooklyn’s impact has become more dramatic.”

You know, it’s not too late to head to Williamsburg and pitch your recycled innertube bras or whatever. Get Northside tickets, erm, badges, here.

[via Billboard.biz]

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