Categories: Outings

Enroll in Hand Job Academy and 14 other things to do this weekend

Hand Job Academy is ready to teach, if you’re ready to learn

1. It’s the Day of the Dead, and what better place to celebrate it than Greenwood Park, the bar next to the cemetery? All the ghouls and gals will be there! (Friday)

2. Or if you want to potentially avoid offending an unfriendly ghost, you can celebrate the day at Trophy Bar. But ghosts do travel fast (Friday)

3. Hand Job Academy is a group of female comedians/rappers performing at Union Hall, but let’s be honest: you just wanna get advice because you failed Grip Tech in 9th grade (Friday)

4. Check out some bands playing as The Clash, The Cure, The Police and Joan Jett for Halloween. We saw the actual Police a few years ago and wish we saw a cover band (Friday)

5. Miss pie mavens Emily and Melissa Elsen earlier this week? They’ll be talking about their book (and sharing pie again) at Smorgasburg (Saturday)

6. Enjoy some seasonally appropriate food like cider and bakes potatoes, and compost your jack-o-lantern instead of letting it get gross and used for mischief by rowdy teenagers (Saturday)

7. Get a guided tour of some of the MTA’s new public artwork that you don’t even notice while rushing off to work (Saturday)

8. The Pulsewave Halloween party is your big chance for a nerd costume if you missed Comic-Con. Or if you went and had another idea for a nerd costume since then (Saturday)

9. Wyatt Cenac and a few pals want to make you laugh at Union Hall. We think you should take him up on the offer (Saturday)

10. Keanu Reeves gets the tribute he deserves at Videology. We’re not exactly solid on what that tribute is, but has anyone but together a tribute for you lately? (Saturday)

11. Roberta’s has two days of Halloween weirdness to share with you, and knowing those guys, there’s gonna be so much that there’ll be leftovers (Saturday and Sunday)

12. There isn’t going to be just any craft fair on Court Street, it’s going be a spectacular, so bring your craft-hunting A-game (Sunday)

13. Mister Sunday may have had to flee the Gowanus Grove, but they’ve found a new home to dance in, in a giant loft (Sunday)

14. It’s time to hear more stories at Bodega, so take off your Spock ears and put on your listening ears (Sunday)

15. If you’re a freelancer or an artist, get some financial advice at Brooklyn Launchpad. First piece of advice: give them that $5 (Sunday)

David Colon :