Tag: pulsewave

Razzle dazzle ’em at NBA Jam and 17 other weekend ideas

1. Handsome young rock and roll man Luke Rathborne will be at Rough Trade Records to perform and make you…

Enroll in Hand Job Academy and 14 other things to do this weekend

1. It's the Day of the Dead, and what better place to celebrate it than Greenwood Park, the bar next…

The West Indian Day Parade, 13 other 3-day weekend ideas

1. Enjoy the parade of lunatics that make up Brooklyn Unicycle Day, as they ride their one-wheeled machines across the…

(Maybe) do the time warp and 14 weekend ideas

1. It's a free screening of either Rocky Horror or Labyrinth, the choice is yours: the time warp or uh, that thing…

Join the Bubu Gang and 15 other ways to celebrate the weekend

1. The Gowanus Nite Market moves to an alley Downtown and invited Heems and The Toothaches to celebrate the move…

Start summer at the Gowanus Yacht Club and 10 other weekend ideas

1. Go to the Gowanus Yacht Club, because summer (Friday) 2. Head to Brooklyn Fireproof, will they will take you…