Don’t forget: The No Office Holiday Party is today!

The scene at last year’s party. Who’s got two thumbs and is ready to party with bloggers? via the Brooklyn Chem

So it’s bright and shiny outside when it isn’t gray and rainy. It’s still really close to Christmas, even if the weather thinks we’re in the middle of spring in Scotland. And there’s nothing better about Christmas than the parties. One of which is being held by ourselves and our bloggers-in-arms, Fucked in Park Slope, the skint and Brooklyn Based, Thursday at 7:30 at Littlefield. Oh, did you think I was gonna say the gifts are the best part of Christmas? Yeah, I’m Jewish, so I wouldn’t know.What kind of terrible wonderful things will happen at the party? Well, there’ll be karaoke provided by the hardest working men in the Brooklyn karaoke business, the Kings of Karaoke. There will also be dancing, to tunes spun by Steve Reynolds, the lunatic behind Party Like It’s 1999. And, and! Sarah Bibi of the Bibi Booth will take pictures of you (embarrassing and non-embarrassing), spiked punch, mistletoe and plenty of other stuff.

Also! A bonus! Because we love you! Wyatt Cenac, former Daily Show correspondent and current Night Train conductor, will be on hand not only to drop a comedy set on you, but then will stick around to relay the worst work stories you can give him. And you’ll be laughing too, because you don’t work at that horrible place anymore! Presumably! If you’ve got one to give Wyatt on Thursday, feel free to give us a sneak preview in the comments.

So if all of this sounds good to you (and it really should), grab a ticket in advance here, because at $6, it’s cheaper than the $8 door ticket. And what kind of brokester lets a $2 savings like that pass him by?

No Office Holiday Party, December 20, 7:30pm, Littlefield (622 Degraw Street, Gowanus), $6 advance, $8 at the door.

David Colon :