Crazy cheap hot dogs and beer playoff deal

No special mask required for hot dog consumption.

If you fall into the category of the sports fan who doesn’t have access to a teevee, watching football gets right expensive because you end up buying beers or snacks just so you can share in on a bar’s flat screen. Gothamist reports that Bark Hot Dogs is trying to be your low-cost alternative for the playoffs this weekend: Not only do they have new 50-inch HD TVs, they’re selling 12oz Sixpoint drafts for justs $2, wings for 50 cents each, salt and pepper fries for $2, bar burgers/veggie burgers for $5 and classic dogs for $3 (normally $4.25). On Super Bowl Sunday, Bark and Sixpoint are doing a $75 all-you-can-eat-and-drink deal, if you’re so inclined to spend, eat and drink that much.

Update: Bark is now offering the $2 Sixpoints and $3 dogs every tuesday!

Tim Donnelly :