Categories: Outings

Come out to plaaaaayyyy and 12 other ways to rock your Halloween weekend

Group costume idea for you and your closest 100 friends. via Acid Midget

1. Get the pants scared off of you at Gowanus ’73, Nights of Horror or Dirty Works at the Wax Works. Just uh, be sure to get your pants back afterwards, it’s getting cold out there. (Friday)

2. For an actual non-spooky event, check out some performance art, in the form of a happening. They were big in the 60s, so it’s like time travel! (Friday)

3. The Halloween Spooktacular is a family-friendly Halloween event, unlike say, accidentally bringing your kid to Paranormal Activity 4. (Saturday)

4. Oh sweet, a chance to ditch the kids at arts and crafts and go drinking with the youngs and see their slutty costumes for a few hours! And encourage your child’s creativity, we guess. (Saturday)

5. Ordinarily we might advise against something called “The Carnival of Terror,” but hey, free snacks! And you may as well get a $31 tattoo while you’re there. (Saturday)

6. Claiming to be the greatest Halloween party ever is a pretty bold move, but starting with an hour of free beer is a pretty good way to stake your claim. (Saturday)

7. Is it an actual Halloween party at an apartment or is it a murder plot? Let us know if you survive it! (Saturday)

8. Obviously you’ll hear people say “Can you dig it?” one million times at this Warriors-themed party, but you can be the only one walking around saying “No reason…I just like doin’ things like that.” (Saturday)

9. A 90s-themed Halloween party means finally, an opportunity to bust out your pitch perfect Ross Perot impression. (Saturday)

10. You should go to this street fair even if you live nowhere near Court Street, because let’s face it, time is running out on street fair season. (Sunday)

11. Our pals at Bushwick Daily are gathering up as many folks as they can to wander Bushwick and take pictures. So kinda like The Warriors, but with cameras. (Sunday)

12. Freddy’s inverts Marge Simpson’s wise words about New York City and invites you to focus on the C.H,U.D.s. Also the werewolves. (Sunday)

13. Rooftop Films straps you in for eight hours of terror, which is six more hours than the F.D.A recommends for a healthy diet. Eh, YOLO, right guys? (Sunday)

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David Colon :