Categories: Outings

Celebrate Mr. James Brown’s birthday and 13 other free ideas this week

Just like how you dance on your birthday, right?
Just like how you dance on your birthday, right?

1. Step in and out of Videology’s 12 hour Western marathon, featuring UnforgivenOnce Upon a Time in the West and a movie with some chump named John Wayne, among others (Monday)

2. Meg Wolitzer drops in to WORD to talk about her new bookThe Interestings, which is an ironic tale about a boring family with the surname “Interesting.” Ah, just kidding, it’s not about that at all (Monday)

3. CSA Local Roots celebrates their second birthday at Local 61 with pinatas and a station to make instruments out of vegetables. Sounds like a party (Monday)

4. Robeling Inn rolls out their new trivia night, in case you’ve been banned from all the other trivia nights around here (Monday)

5. A mysterious fortune teller returns to Bedford Hill. Maybe she’ll tall you that you’ll meet an average height, kinda pale stranger (Monday)

6. You can drink free beer and dance to rock and roll music at Hank’s when Uncle Leon and the Alibis shoot their music video there (Tuesday)

7. The Masters of Social Gastronomy are talkin’ sugar, so be sure to bring someone you’re sweet on. Ahhh, we kill us (Tuesday)

8. Powerhouse Arena welcomes some more literary upstarts to read and see who the upstartiest of them all are (Wednesday)

9. You can go to the bar AND you can get a dose of high culture thanks to the Modern-Day Griot Theatre Company setting up shop at Visions in Clinton Hill (Wednesday)

10. Meet Randy Duchaine, who put together a whole book of photographs of New York City’s rough and tumble maritime world (Thursday)

11. Julia Child: badass rebel? Hear the argument for it at Greenlight (Thursday)

12. With a name like Danny Vomit, what else can you do but be a Coney Island sideshow performer? Mr. Vomit will be bringing his show to Branded Saloon, where we predict scandalized fainting will shoot up by a thousand percent (Thursday)

13. Bodega is hosting an all-day birthday celebration of Mr. James Brown, funkiest man in the world, alive or dead. Dead, to be specific (Friday)

14. Book Court hosts a reading from an author who collected all the daily habits of people much more successful and famous than you, and none of those habits involves reeking of cheap booze by 11am. Sorry (Friday)

David Colon :