Category: WTF

Apocalypse alert: ‘Zombie’ raccoons are on the loose in Prospect Park

Be careful.

10 art pieces you can expect to see at the ‘pro-Trump art show’ in Williamsburg this Saturday

The art world is constantly in flux, and New York is perhaps the most representative sampling of its changing humors. With all…

The keys to happiness: a free ‘party’ piano that you can literally fill with beer

Holiday party season is upon us. Between Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and all those Jewish ones, competition runs especially high for house…

This Brooklyn Boys calendar is about to be the most controversial novelty item of 2017

In the year 2016, the photo calendar is little more than a relic of the bygone Hallmark era. Dethroned from its…

Wow, someone is actually trying to rationalize manspreading with science

Nothing kills your commute like seeing someone taking up more space than they ought to be on a crowded train.…

9/11 knowledge not required to teach at the 9/11 Memorial

Beyond being a place for questionable selfies, questionable gift shop items and a place to get a really expensive hot dog,…

The mysterious Franklin Avenue horse isn’t just blog famous, now it knows Terry Crews

Remember when a mysterious horseman kept riding his horse down the Franklin Avenue bike lane? Remember when we finally solved…

This $20,000 bag of Williamsburg air is still cheaper than renting an apartment there

[UPDATE: We bring you an important update to this very important story. Vice music editor Dan Ozzi has outed himself as the…

This fake beer bracket is better than the real beer bracket

Ah, craft beer, the poor man's drink Olympics. With over 4,500 craft breweries scattered around the country—and that's just the…

Don’t be a scrub! Help TLC record their final studio album

You might remember them as the powerful R&B lady trio that brought you "No Scrubs" and "Unpretty." Or you might…