Category: Uncategorized

Hey hey! Wanna write for us?

Take a look at the Team Brokelyn page. That's a whole lot of intelligent, attractive people, huh? If you'd like…

Giveaway: Still time to get healthy with Jennifer Schonborn

[sponsored_by name="Jennifer Schonborn" url="http://www.jenniferschonborn.com" logo="https://brokelyn.com/app/uploads/2013/04/5aday_salad.jpg" byline="Jennifer Schonborn is a holistic nutrition counselor who helps people make lasting changes to their diet & lifestyle."]…

You can just put ‘hipster’ in front of anything now and call it a business

Got a great business idea? Wel, get in line, this is America, land of people who think they have great…

Be a repo man and 9 other free ways to spend the week

1. Want to be part of Bushwick Open Studios but haven't been to one of their mixers yet? They've got…

You can haz job as BuzzFeed’s associate animals editor

What do you do at work all day? The thing that you're paid to do by your bosses? Haha, you're…

Looking for a job? Get off of Craigslist!

You know the job hunt. Get up early and turn on your computer, march around your apartment in your pajamas,…

Paid internship alert: Track Pinterest as BuzzFeed’s DIY intern

What do you do all day at your office? Do you work really hard on your job because you really…

Fill it in: Our pals at Blank Slate are hiring

If any of you are veteran Brokelyn readers, you might remember how the site used to look. Which was nice…

Not afraid of no ghost? New show casting (obnoxious) ghost hunters

Say you're the type to hang around haunted Brooklyn locations. Maybe you've spent a few nights doing seances, and trying…

Nightmare job alert: Hostess/massage object for media elite

This, of course, is why we have the "death to the patriarchy" tag. Craigslist is full of all sorts of…