Nightmare job alert: Hostess/massage object for media elite

This, of course, is why we have the “death to the patriarchy” tag. Craigslist is full of all sorts of questionable gigs for a young woman in need of some cash, but at least foot fetish party ads don’t brag that they’ll be full of New York’s media and tech elite like this ad looking for a hostess/masseuse at a Williamsburg card game does. Maybe, just maybe, all this Mad Men fandom has gone a bit too far.

The ad is seeking a young lady to be the hostess at a private card club frequented by “lawyers, media/tech people, advertising guys, and a mix of other professions.” The job involves normal woman stuff like mixing drinks, ordering food and cleaning up after guys. Oh, and giving massages.

Yep, if you want to rise above the meager $5/hour plus tips that this progressive bastion is willing to pay for your services, you should also be willing to give back massages, for which you’ll be paid $1/minute. And obviously the clientele will be very gentle with their critique of your massage techniques if they don’t like them, since who’s nicer than a crowd of liquored-up dudes in their 20s and early 30s playing poker in a private club? And ladies, before you all run off to apply, keep in mind: you can only be between the ages of 18 and 25. Sorry, 26-year-olds! Apparently you’re all used up!

[h/t New York Observer]

David Colon :

View Comments (3)

  • this sounds like the least nightmarish jobs of all the nightmarish sex object jobs on Craigslist

  • Also, not for nothing, that image is taken from the best ever episode of Mr. Show (402) with the immortal "Wyckyd Sceptre Party Tape" bit.