Category: Sunset Park/ Greenwood Heights

6 places I hope survive Sunset Park’s gentrification

Following through on his campaign promise to do so, Mayor de Blasio is ready to funnel $100 million into some…

The Sunset Park ferry is done after October

It's always a bad idea to give people access to things they might like, such as clean water, electricity and…

The Sunset Park ferry might not run past October

Sometimes we get good ferry news, like a free Red Hook ferry for the summer. Sometimes though, we get bad…

Help Green-Wood pay tribute to a Coney Island original

We know, we know, sometimes you can get Kickstarter fatigue because everyone and their mom seems to have one this…

Here’s your chance to whack a giant Wall Street bull piñata full of money

Hey, you know who's been doing awesome despite the recession? Wall Street. You know who hasn't been doing well since…

Anybody out there want a free electric pallet jack?

We've all been there: You've got a pallet full of something or other that's been dropped off in front of…

Sunset Park has room for the Nets, but not for artists

Another weekend, another story of artists getting chased out of yet another neighborhood they figured they'd be safe in. This…

Sunset Park is home of Brooklyn’s cheapest pizza pies

Pizza Week at Brokelyn continues! While yesterday we clued you in to Brooklyn's name being used for pizza good and…

Coming soon to Sunset Park: Test tube meat

Brooklyn, as befitting its reputation as a place on the cutting edge, is always pushing the food envelope. Ramen burgers, nude…

Sunset Park ferry gets another expansion

What with the R train still closed forever while the MTA tunnels into Narnia or whatever it is they're doing,…