Here’s your chance to whack a giant Wall Street bull piñata full of money

We are ready to beat the bejesus out of this thing. via Facebook

Hey, you know who’s been doing awesome despite the recession? Wall Street. You know who hasn’t been doing well since the recession? Basically everyone else (screw you, tech people who know how to code). Since it turns out that we presently have about 6 national politicians who are willing to lean on our heroic job creators, it’s up to us to beat them with sticks. Metaphorically that is. Metaphorically guys. You’ve got a chance to do just that, when a giant Golden Bull piñata modeled after Wall Street’s Charging Bull sculpture rolls into Sunset Park this month. Oh, and it’s full of money, real money.

The bull piñata, a design by artist Sebastian Errazuriz, will be on display in Sunset Park as part of WantedDesign, a public art show going on in Industry City, on 2nd Avenue between 36th and 37th Streets. The whole show will feature art that can be seen from May 10 to May 20, but let’s face it, all you care about is beating the crap out of the bull.

You won’t be able to do it every day, considering how hard it would be for Erraruiz to make another giant piñata every time. The beating of the piñata full of money will go down on May 20 at 5pm at WantedDesign’s closing party. In the meantime though, you can work on your piñata-beating skills. Unlike other piñatas, that are just full of candy, this one will be full of $1000 worth of $1 bills. Obviously seeing a bunch of people beating a golden bull and fighting with each other over falling money is probably part of the artist statement about how we’re as foolish and greedy as guys screaming at each other on the trading floor, but you know what? Who cares, we need some dollars. So if you’ve got some debts to pay off, tell your creditors to wait until May 21, when you’ll have plenty of money.

David Colon :