Category: Sponsored

Join Zimride today and win a $50 round-trip ride from NYC to DC

[sponsored_by name="Zimride" url="http://www.zimride.com/landing?lp=dc-passenger&utm_source=PPR&utm_medium=D&utm_campaign=Brokelyn&utm_content=box" logo="http://brokelyn.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/app/uploads/2012/07/120x60_logo.png" byline="As the largest ridesharing company in America, Zimride makes sharing rides with strangers cool (and safe)."]…

Tell your funniest date story and win $200

[sponsored_by name="MeetMoi" url="http://bit.ly/meetmoicom" logo="https://brokelyn.com/app/uploads/2012/06/120x60_Let.png" byline="MeetMoi is the new way to get instant, real life introductions to people you want to…

Hire Amber Marlow for your photo shoot and get a Brokelyn Break!

Look at this gorgeous gal! She's Amber Marlow, a friend of Brokelyn, fixture on the Park Slope social scene, talented…

Get taxes done for free from Brass Taxes!

Brass Taxes' Rus Garofalo, who specializes in preparing taxes for freelancers, shows you why he is cheaper than online tax…

Win a sweet spa package from Google

We know you guys have strong feelings about supermarket coffee, wifi bars and eyebrow waxings. Now you can put those…

This week only: free coffee for Brokelyn readers!

If you’re caught up in last minute holiday shopping and find your yuletide spirit slowly turning into yuletide rage, the…