Category: Williamsburg/ Greenpoint

Blog for sale: You can now buy Greenpointers

Hey, you, Greenpoint resident who figures they know everything there is to know about Greenpoint. Are you bored with your…

Sunshine Laundry’s all-day free pinball marathon is back Sunday

In case you were unaware, the marathon is this Sunday. No, we don't mean the New York City marathon, we…

Shake up your look and support the Red Hook Initiative at a clothing swap at The Diamond

In the famous words of the internet and some guy on TV, winter is coming. That means it's time to…

Haunted Dutch Kills canoe ride seeks performers

Halloween is coming up, in case you couldn't tell by the dropping temperatures and people talking about costumes and news…

Exchange sequins for glitter and more this Wednesday at Brooklyn Craft Company’s Craft Supply Swap

Do you have a box in your room that's overflowing with craft supplies you've never touched, or projects you never…

Redheads can get a super-fancy haircut for 50% off in Greenpoint

There's something about redheads that fascinates people into either lust or contempt, despite the fact that it's just different hair…

Carry (out) a tune: Save big at Permanent Records’ moving sale

Permanent Records, Greenpoint-based purveyors of vinyl goods, has lost its lease, and Thursday will be their final day of regular…

Budin’s famous $10 latte is only $5 through September 20

You know that super expensive, $10 latte in Greenpoint that everyone was talking about a few months ago? Well, if you…

Coming soon: Grilled cheese sandwiches thrown off a roof

Tired of having your food handed to you from behind some counter, or delivered to your table by a server?…

58,832 people applied for 105 affordable apartments in Greenpoint

Hey remember when 53,000 people applied for affordable artist housing up in Harlem, and we all thought, "Well, it can't…