Redheads can get a super-fancy haircut for 50% off in Greenpoint

That guy with the hat, he’s a big deal, but he’ll still cut your hair like a celebrity. via Facebook

There’s something about redheads that fascinates people into either lust or contempt, despite the fact that it’s just different hair on your head and the rest of your body (like your sex parts). Whatever the reason, being a redhead is either great or not so great depending on the day. Today, thanks to a 50% off a fancy haircut deal from fancy new hair salon Kennaland Brooklyn (113 Franklin Street) that Greenpointers found, being a redhead is a good thing.

We know, getting a haircut usually costs an arm and a leg around here, which tempts you into growing your hair out like some religious nut. If you’re a redhead though, and you can wait until the first Saturday of the month each month, you can get a fancy haircut from Kenna Kennor, who according to Greenpointers, also does high-end fashion haircare. So while a normal, non-redhead haircut with Kenna would run you $160 for a woman and $130 for a man will run you only* $80 or $65 if you’re a redhead and it’s the first Saturday of the month.

The offer is only good if you’re getting a trim from Kenna Kennor himself, but we figure you’re best off going to the guy who the store is named after. Oh hey, the first Saturday of the month is coming up real soon, in about a week and a half, so we’d get on it and make an appointment if we were you and we had red hair. We don’t know much about high end hair salons, but the Observer is damn excited about Kennaland and they know rich people things like we know dumpster diving.

*We know, we know “only,” but maybe you have something where it’s really important to look good

David Colon :