Category: Brooklyn Heights/ DUMBO

Here are all the free outdoor summer movie series in Brooklyn

Holy moly, there sure are a lot of outdoor movies this summer. So many that you might have trouble keeping…

Novel idea: Books Beneath the Bridge is back this summer!

Sure summer movies and summer concerts are great. But what if you want some culture that doesn't involve explosions or…

Your chance to own a tiny piece of the floating East River pool

So despite the fact that it will never be summer ever again, everyone was very excited about the prospect of…

Get a free beer at Running Late, just for being a Brokelyn reader

To us, the benefits of being a Brokelyn reader are pretty self-evident. But sometimes people like you guys so much…

Sample East River Pool floating our way in August

The city gets mighty hot in the summer. Hell, there's a whole song about it. So people try to get…

The Brooklyn Bridge turns 130 on Sunday! Celebrate with poetry

Everyone loves birthdays, right? Don't tell us if you hate them, it'll ruin this. Anyway, everyone loves birthdays, and you…

Celebrate Bike to Work Day at the Bike Home from Work Party, tonight!

It's Friday, which means it's time to party anyway. But it also happens to be Bike to Work day, and…

Mystery abounds at reRun theatre’s ‘Secret Film Club’

An often overrated part about going to the movies that you know what you're going to see. We don't mean…

Adam Yauch Park: A perfect place to drink a Brass Monkey

Adam Yauch Park is now officially a reality! You can find what we will always refer to as MCA Park…

The best free events at Brooklyn Bridge Park this summer

I went to grab a cup of coffee down the block this afternoon and came back with a sunburnt nose,…