Sample East River Pool floating our way in August

Sadly, we aren’t quite there yet. via +Pool

The city gets mighty hot in the summer. Hell, there’s a whole song about it. So people try to get relief however they can. One thing they never do is try to jump in the East River, because ick. But one company that’s been working on putting a floating pool in the East River, full of filtered river water,will show off a sample in August of what they want to plop down in the river.

Sure August is about time you’ve given up on building your own air conditioner and the summer seems an endless desert, a pool sounds good, huh? Sadly, +Pool’s exhaustive timeline and a Brooklyn Paper story put a bit of a kibosh on the idea of lining up to jump in. This is for the most part a test pool, but there may be a few days when you can sign a release and jump in the pool.

Which, again, seeing as how this is coming in August, we’d be surprised at anyone who doesn’t want to sign their life away in order to swim. What’s a little diesel and poo water for sweet relief from the summer sun? Then again, if you’re really hard up for a swim, why not check out our guide to the city’s free public pools? There’s less diesel fuel in them, at the very least.

David Colon :