Category: Entertainment

New Music Tuesday: Uncle Meg’s cat-inspired raps are liberating

Out of any type of person who exists, or could possibly exist, on this earth that we share, I offer…

New Music Tuesday: Mindtroll is older than you think

The thing about this post is that I wanted to write it because I saw Mindtroll open for Guts Club  a…

New Music Tuesday: Desert Sharks punch the clock on ‘Ooh, Hey’

The trouble found in working a job with normy co-workers while also exploring your fun, creative, soul enriching (opposite of…

Every reference to ‘Girls’ in New York Times stories about Brooklyn

In 1883, the Brooklyn Bridge opened, in 1898 Brooklyn was incorporated into New York City, in 2012 the Nets came…

Help fund the world’s first shuffleboard night club, and four other Brooklyn-based Kickstarters

Anybody can come up with an idea, but not everybody has the money to execute it. It seems you're either…

Hot sauce, gay Internet, yard sales, and more: five killer Kickstarters to check out

Kickstarter: it's the field of dreams of the Internet. If you build it, they will come and give you money.…

Only one day left to enter our TropFest VIP pass giveaway

[sponsored_by name="TropFest USA" url="http://tropfest.com/ny" logo="https://brokelyn.com/app/uploads/2013/05/TROP_NY_120x60_2.jpg" byline="TropFest, the world's largest short film festival, is happening in Prospect Park on June 22nd"]…

Get paid in beer, which violates no labor laws whatsoever

Aspiring Brooklyn comedian: do you like to drink? Of course you do. You're a comedian. But, man cannot live on…

Finally, hoarding pays off: Jimmy Kimmel’s Brooklyn Skype Scavenger Hunt!

Round up your 6 roommates, grab your bodega guy, throw in a Brooklyn native with a thick fuggedaboutit accent, and apply…

Life in arrested development? Be a part of Arrested Development!

If you’ve ever dreamed of chicken dancing (that is, provocative “chicken” style dancing, as featured on Arrested Development) your way to…