New Music Tuesday: Mindtroll is older than you think

Too old for a lot of shit, but not too old to answer our questions

The thing about this post is that I wanted to write it because I saw Mindtroll open for Guts Club  a month or so ago and they sang a song with the lyric “I’m older than you think” and it really resonated with me. You see, the day after you read this post I’ll be turning 38-years young, but I look like I am roughly 14 1/2. When people ask me what my secret is I say something about animal sacrifices, or a magic painting hidden in my attic that is aging on my behalf. So basically, what I’m trying to say is that when I heard Mindtroll sing that lyric I was like “Hahaha. These guys get it. I’m into what they’re into it, and we’re into each other now.” Problem is, I can’t actually find a single song of theirs online anywhere containing that lyric. Maybe I never actually saw them play at all. Maybe I was sitting in a dark room peeling paint off the wall with my two front teeth THINKING I was at a show. Shit if I know.

Throwing lyrical caution to the wind, Mindtroll is fantastic because they transport listeners back to the brighter, more danceable times of Tracy + The Plastics, Gravy Train, and OG Julie Ruin. They really do make me feel younger than I am. And that’s some real full circle of life shit.

Here is a collection of 24 Mindtroll songs called And That’s Just Some of the Good Ones. Listen to every one of them very carefully and you tell me if I’m yay or nay trippin’

To further add to the mystery of this song lyric situation, I asked the band to answer the question: “Describe a recent thing that has happened where you’ve thought “I’m too old for this shit.” You know, based on that song I thought I heard. They were nice enough to do it, but were probably 100% thinking “Um….where is this coming from?”

Here are their answers to my non-relevant song-wise, but very relevant life-wise inquiry:

Zane: I went to Coney Island without a bathing suit, and spent two hours trying to find one that I thought was cool and not old-man-ish. I ended up buying little boy’s bright neon trunks not realizing my body would not physically fit into them, until I tried them on in a public restroom. Then I had to furiously cut out the lining with my house keys while totally nude in a gross beach bathroom stall.

Niina: I think the coolest time I thought “I’m too old for this” is that time after a Gertrude Stein marathon reading a couple years back when my friend and I went to a weird rave in a graffiti-filled converted house deep in Bushwick. Multiple people tried to sell me cocaine and somebody shot a gun. I kept thinking “I gotta go” but for some reason didn’t, and got home at dawn.

Eve: Once before we played a show, a bouncer decided my ID was fake. He tried to pick it apart with his fingernail and everything. He eventually agreed to draw those big magic marker X’s on my hands, but warned me that if he came looking for me later and saw that I’d washed them off he would kick me out. This happened in front of a line of people that I later recognized in the audience while we were onstage. I think I was 28 at the time.

Ellen: I’m too old to be attracted to anyone in One Direction and I don’t understand why adult women talk about them being cute. I’m too old to want to be a part of youth culture. I feel like a lot of women my age love Rookie Magazine and while I’m very happy that it exists because I like teens and think they are important, I don’t think it’s for me.

Mindtroll is set to release a new album called So Many Boyfriends this year, and HERE is an exclusive new track from it.

Kelly McClure :