Category: Coney Island/ Brighton Beach/ Sheepshead Bay

The schedule for Coney Island’s Flicks on the Beach is here!

Paying for movies (or even Netflix, really) is so unnecessary over the summer. You may not enjoy the free air…

Thunderbolt opening delayed again, but everything’s fine, we’re sure

Showing the kind of concern for safety and details that their carnie forbears definitely did not, Zamperla Amusements, the company…

Is drinking on the beach legal now?

Hey look it's legal to drink on the beach now, according to this Coney Island subway ad! Wait, no it…

Reminder: Brooklyn Cyclones tickets go on sale Saturday, May 10

It's been professional baseball season for a little over a month now, and hey, the Mets haven't been a completely…

Newly released old-timey newsreels show black and white life in Coney Island

We're all getting antsy for it to warm up, especially now that it's past Coney Island's official opening day but…

Brooklyn Cyclones holding ‘Salute to Seinfeld Night’ on July 5

There's nothing like minor league baseball promotions, especially when the Cyclones do them. Already the proud organizers of Manti Te'o…

Join the effort to help Coney Island’s stray cats at a meeting tonight

Coney Island has a lot of cool things to offer, like the Cyclone and the Cyclones and a beach and…

Ride The Cyclone for free at Coney Island’s Opening Day this Sunday!

Cheesy Pete, that rent news is really depressing. We need a reset, something that actually makes life worth living still.…

Job of the day: Run a classic shooting gallery at the beach

If you're looking for a summer job, you could do a lot worse than operating a shooting gallery at the…

Luna Park ride Groupon can only mean one thing: Summer is coming

Now that Bobby Parnell is probably gonna need Tommy John surgery, we can dispense with the hope of baseball season…