Get some dough to build your foodie biz

If you don't have your own personal Jack Donaghy, this is the workshop for you.

Hey all you aspiring purveyors of artisanal cupcakes, herb-infused caramel or bacon marmalade choinkwiches: Those freaky foodies at The Brooklyn Kitchen are hosting a free workshop to help you get the cash to make your dream food biz a reality. On Wednesday at 6:30pm, the Williamsburg culinary center will present “Financing Your Future! How to make your business an attractive loan candidate,” with expert advice on things like why you’ll need a credit history to get more money down the road and how to present your financials (so it doesn’t look like you’re blowing cash on dubiously sourced choink). You can also find out about loan programs that you can tap into right away. The workshop will be led by ACCION USA, an NYC -based national micro-loan lender. And because it’s a kitchen, light food and drinks will be provided. To RSVP, contact Caitlin Dourmashkin at or 718-388-7287 x116.

Brooklyn Kitchen, 100 Frost St., Williamsburg. 6:30pm, Feb. 22.

Tim Donnelly :