Tag: Brooklyn Kitchen

The 20 best cheap things to do this weekend, Dirges for Democracy edition

1. Find something to hang on your walls at Prints Gone Wild, where Cannonball Press have assembled a smorgasbord of…

The 20 best cheap things to do in Brooklyn this weekend, Americana edition

1. Start your weekend off with a plethora of plays at Pop! Performance Festival, with more than 30 works around…

5 CourseHorse cooking classes to help make you less reliant on delivery

As it gets colder outside, you might find yourself less willing to go out to restaurants, and even feeling a…

Celebrate The Brooklyn Kitchen’s 8th birthday with huge savings

Do you dream at night of owning a state-of-the-art slow cooker? Forever kicking yourself that you scoffed when your mom…

What is so great about the $500 pan you can win at the Brokelyn High Homecoming Dance?

At the Brokelyn High Homecoming Dance that is rapidly approaching, there will be fun and games, large organized communities playing…

Get schooled: 10 killer classes to take in Brooklyn this fall

Remember how cool you used to feel singing along to Alice Cooper's "School's Out" at the end of the school…

9 cheap things to do with your parents when they visit Brooklyn

‘Tis the season for jorts, drunkenly re-installing a window unit (advice: no) and — eep — parent visits. Assuming your…

Eat, drink & be charitable at Sandy benefit events

You guys are kicking Sandy's ass with the volunteering and we couldn't be more proud to be part of this…

Bocks populi: Could you kill a chicken and eat it?

Do you look at this photo and think, man, I would seriously pay $300 to slice that bird's carotid artery?…

Summer lovin’ at the Brokelyn Summer Camp Party

Rise and shine campers!! We too woke up this morning covered in glitter and friendship bracelets, the Salute Your Shorts…