Categories: Newstech

Breaking up is hard to do, so there’s an app for that now

When a four page, handwritten letter is too much

When it’s time to end it with someone, you’ve got a couple options. You can a four page letter laying out your relationship history and why it needs to end. You could meet at a bar and give the “Let’s just be friends” speech. You could call her and tell her you need to break off the engagement. And now, you can use an app that will write a breakup text for you, because apparently we’re all heartless monsters.

If you can’t be bothered to write your own “You’re dumped” text, BreakupText is an app that will do it for you. It works by you entering the sex of the dumpee, whether your relationship was casual or not and one of three reasons you need to end it. Then they send the poor bastard the message to get out of your life. The app costs a dollar to download, which isn’t free, but is still cheaper than that beer you buy if you choose to dump your ladyfriend in person.

Given that we now have apps to find friends to bang, guess their dick size, rate them after we’ve banged them and break up with them, how much longer do we have to wait for the app that lets you skip all that and lets you download six months worth of high octane emotional anguish?

[h/t Laughing Squid]

David Colon :