Bowl the night away: Get two free hours of lane time at Brooklyn Bowl tonight

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Usually going to Brooklyn Bowl means a night of constant stimulation beween whatever act is performing there and watching folks bowl. But, they took the night off from throwing a show tonight, so to celebrate — or perhaps to help mourn The Big Lebowski‘s recent removal from Netflix’s streaming service — they’re giving away free bowling.

Starting at 6pm, mention “free bowling” at the door and get two hours of complimentary lane time, plus free shoe rental (socks still cost $4, so BRING YOUR OWN SOCKS for godssake). They’ll also be playing classic music videos all night to see if Madonna’s Like A Virgin video keeps your ball out of the gutter. And if you decide you just can’t brave tonight’s “snow”, Brooklyn Bowl still offers half-off bowling on Sunday nights. No pomeranians, please.

Rebecca Fishbein :