We were on BK Live, with a goofy guide to this weekend’s best goings on

Obviously it can be good to read the best things that are going on every weekend, but sometimes you don’t have time or inclination to read. You always have the time and inclination to watch things on a screen though, so take some time out to watch us and our pal Richard Burroughs from The Brooklyn Reader talk about the fun stuff going on this weekend. You’ll also notice that we drink some drinks courtesy of a bartender from Bill Baker’s, who we shouted out in this roundup of Brooklyn’s best beer cocktails. So if you’re looking for something to drink these weekend, grab one of those. And also be sure to drink water, it’s good for you.

Our weekend picks:

– Clarissa Explains It All book launch and trivia night (also check out our interview with series creator Mitchell Kriegman)
Late Night Basement hosts Welcome to Night Vale
Firestone Fest
Gala Gala Hey

David Colon :