Is this really the best coffee shop in NYC?

Barista Patrick Cronin at Qartha. photo via Daily News

The Daily News, last seen coming in second in the porn headline war, weighs in on a topic New Yorkers take extremely personally: coffee shops. The best in the whole city, according to the tab, is the relatively new Qathra in Ditmas Park. The paper extols the sunny back patio as a choice spot for sipping fair-trade next to a garden, where Qathra grows parsley, scallion and cilantro to use in salads. “The sound of water flowing from the fountain out back creates a serene environment rarely found within the five boroughs,” gushes the paper. We’re fans too, and have even held a few meetings there since the demise of Vox Pop. But is it the best in the whole city? 

We know Brokelyn readers are the experts here, so we want to hear your picks. You’ve traveled the boroughs with laptop in hand looking for a perch to scan Craigslist for a new sublet or send your resume out to dozens of internships; you’ve homesteaded in the back booth nursing a cup of coffee for hours finishing that big design project; or maybe you’ve taken your morning-after date to your fave shop to impress with your knowledge of Ethiopian beans and gluten-free pastries.

So what makes a coffee shop the best? Is it the taste of the coffee alone, or is it the cozy warmth of seeing your favorite barista’s smile and settling into a squashy couch that sets it apart? Tell us in the comments!

Tim Donnelly :

View Comments (20)

  • Hello, Flying Saucer! Also, I'm an L train girl: I love Boulevard, Atlas, and Wyckoff Starr.

  • It just isn't fair to do an 'absolute' best and it's a bit silly. 90% of the time you read these things, you find out that the intern writing the article lives 3 blocks away and hooked up with the barista. That's their quality of judging.

    But yeah, it's a good place, so are a few others on this list I've been to with the others now on my list.

  • Flying Saucer is, of course, this reporter's favorite coffeeteria, not only because I live 1 block away but also because those kids know how to paaarr-tay. And their back yard is swank. And they now play Elvis records too.

  • The most delicious coffee I've tasted in NYC was at Stumptown in Red Hook but my favorite place for friendly baristas and general ambience is Second Stop Cafe in Williamsburg. But I've never been to Quathra, so...

  • Big shout out for cafe madeleine, also in DP. Definitely the cleanest coffee shop in NYC, and the food AND coffee are great.

  • Sit and Wonder in Prospect Heights. They brew Stumptown and they have a nice vibe and cool patio.

  • Not even close. Crop to Cup in Gowanus. Best iced coffee, best espresso drinks, sunny patio, and they run their direct trade wholesale business right out of their storefront. Best coffee shop in NYC by far.