Bars We Love: Take a stroll down the lovely Boulevard!

579 Meeker Ave., at Monitor St.
(718) 389-3252

What is it: Stationed under the BQE is the ultimate of neighborhood bars: The Boulevard Tavern. Here you have one of the best drinkeries in the McGlorick Park area of Greenpoint. You can stop in for a quick beer after work, or stay raging into the night with a bunch of friends.

Why we love it: Besides their continuous BBQ, they have nights like ROCKUMENTARY Mondays and screen shows like Portlandia. They are usually just the right amount of crowded and the possibility of getting to use the pool table is high.

Who to bring: Anyone from 21 to 89 would feel at home at this bar. Vegetarians who are often left out of BBQs can relish in the selection of food geared towards their stomachs. You can come stag or with group of people and try and take over one of the large picnic tables in the backyard.

What to order: Harold the owner will be there year round pushing out the food so make sure you get the $5 all-you-can-eat BBQ and pair it with one of their 12 draft beers.

Boulevard fun fact: While no one can figure out what that special spice on their tater tots is, everyone should try.

Emily Berninger :