Bars We Love: Close your eyes, you’ve got Double Windsor!

Double Windsor

Double Windsor
210 Prospect Park West
South Slope
(347) 725-3479

What it is: New-Brooklyn’s local bar alternative to Windsor Terrace stalwart Farrell’s across the street.

Why we love it: Two walls of the bar are windows, so the Brooklyn passing by on the street outside is part of the flow and vibe inside. It’s very meta. There’s something literary and scholarly about the buzz of conversation along communal tables and horseshoe bar. Also, burgers. Yum.  

Who to bring: Since it’s one of the only bars in a neighborhood increasingly populated with bar-going  young couples and families, DW is packed every night. Go on a sunny weekend afternoon after a walk in Prospect Park for a beer and brunch (bacon mac n cheese is totally a brunch food).

What to order: I know it’s the equivalent of judging a book by the cover, but I’m a sucker for beers with clever puns for names (awesome job alert). DW has 14 constantly revolving taps. I’m a pils girl generally, but Southern Tier Eurotrash Pilz is a badass beer name I can’t resist.

Fun fact: Double Windsor took a bold step in defying neighborhood norms when, back in 2010, it was one of the first to officially ban kids after 5pm.

Rachel DeLetto :