Categories: Careers

Job alert: BAM wants you to be its new art manager

Be the guy who makes this happen. Via Facebook.

Has anyone ever noticed that BAM always seems to be hiring? Well, if you haven’t noticed, now is the time to start because – let’s be real – your job kinda sucks. Just in case you missed the last round of applications, now is your time to shine. From management to internships, BAM is offering you the career path of your dreams…again!

Either the BAM staff is huge or they have a really high turnover rate, but either way, it’s worth looking into. BAM wants new blood flowing through their awesome artistic veins. That blood could be yours.

Be an art manager and coordinate auctions (for a salary!), be a technician and make sure everything runs nice and smooth, serve as a liaison to visiting artists. Come on, what else did you take that one art history course in college for? Other options include managing special events attended by up to 1,000 people (kind of a big deal), lunching with BAM’s executive team as an intern (also a big deal), and selling tickets to live events (less of a big deal, but still a good part-time job).

The time to make moves is now ’cause the deadlines are coming up fast. Seriously, man, get a job that you like. You deserve it like that.

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