Have a ball (of yarn) Saturday at a free knitting open house

You and your babe friends, in stitches.

If ever there were a time to pick up knitting, it would be this winter. But not everybody has a grandma in town, those knitting circles don’t actually exist, classes are expensive and you really have to be in the mood to watch instructional Youtube videos. What if you could just grab a pair of needles and have a go? This weekend’s your chance: Greenpoint’s Brooklyn Craft Company is hosting a free knitting open house this Saturday from 11 am to 4 pm. They’ll provide instruction, plus yarn and needles, so all you have to do is show up with your crafty, do it yourself, self.

Think how good you’ll feel heading home after a couple hours, the seminal strands of an infinity scarf  in your purse (realistically, more like three inches wide of loopy loops but still). And if you happen to know a thing or two about a thread or two, you can bring in a project you’re working on and the folks at Brooklyn Craft Company will lend you a pair of nimble hands.

If you can’t make it this Saturday, have a look at the other classes Brooklyn Craft Company has to offer this month on lampshade making, glass etching and mixology.

Kate Mooney :