Author: Hannah Frishberg

As of right now Shake Shack is doing free deliveries in Brooklyn (this weekend only)

The burger gods that be have smiled upon our fair borough: starting two hours ago, Shake Shack has been making free deliveries…

FBI contacting Pratt students, Bay Ridge, Sunset to temporarily lose subway stations (and more links)

A post shared by Chad Douglas (@chaddouglas_) on Mar 23, 2017 at 6:19pm PDT Korean fast food joint Garlic To…

BAM, St. Ann’s and 9 other BK cultural institutions join forces to defend being worth federal funding

With The Donald's 2018 budget proposal to cut all federal arts fundings, local organizations which benefit and rely on those…

Shea Stadium launches Kickstarter to help reopen, free shows for life among pledge rewards

Bushwick's Shea Stadium has had a rough year, having announced their second temporary closure back at the beginning of this…

Reporters won’t go to Kushner’s Dumbo Heights, Slave Theater demo’d (and more links)

New York graffiti tour turns the illicit underground into accessible art [Guardian] Double feature at Kent Theater [New York Times] New…

At last, a daily forecast and commute report just for city bikers

While a wide variety of news and radio channels, social media platforms, apps and news sites compete to inform New…

The private sector still wants to fund you, artists: Apply for a subsidized Dumbo studio

Now more than ever it is important to think globally, and act locally: with the National Endowment for the Arts…

Craigslist freebie of the day: Barrels of ‘clean dirt’ (barrels not included)

We are fairly certain the space-time continuum has been breached by the paradox proposed in this Craigslist post: the concept…

Lottery opening tomorrow for $833/month Gowanus apts. with yoga room, shuffleboard, pool access

Gird your loins: beginning tomorrow, an affordable housing lottery is opening for 54 newly constructed units at the massive, neighborhood-changing…

Poll: What subway amenity would make the MetroCard actually worth its new hiked fare?

This Sunday, the fare for weekly and monthly MetroCards will go up respectively to $32 (from $31) and $121 (from…