Categories: News

Reporters won’t go to Kushner’s Dumbo Heights, Slave Theater demo’d (and more links)

The L can be a scary place, especially when you weigh 14 pounds and are covered in fur. Photo by Hannah Frishberg / Brokelyn

New York graffiti tour turns the illicit underground into accessible art [Guardian]
Double feature at Kent Theater [New York Times]
New York’s incredible lost rooftop theatres [Messy Nessy Chic]
Cyclist discovers key to clearing Brooklyn Bridge bike path [Gothamist]
Best Places to Cry at NYU [Washington Square News]
How Trump’s arts-funding cuts will affect Brooklyn [Brooklyn Paper]
Forget Park Slope, Red Hook and Gowanus need free internet more [Brooklyn Paper]
City schools won’t let immigration agents enter without warrants [New York Post]
Guardian ditches move to Kushner building after newsroom revolt [BuzzFeed News]
Bed-Stuy’s Slave Theater demolished [Brownstoner]

You can have your borough and write your leaving Brooklyn essay with the magic of the apartment swap. We have done absolutely zero vetting on this Craigslist ad, searching for Brooklynites preferably off the A or 4 rains, but a quick life detour to South Central could be interesting.

Hannah Frishberg :Queen Brokester, native Brooklynite. The F train is my soul animal.