This week in anti-Trump activism: Say no to nepotism

Photo by Alec Perkins via Flickr

Not to romanticize other countries, which have their own problems (Angela Merkel doesn’t like gay marriage, Justin Trudeau loves fracking and isn’t great when it comes to Canada’s First Nations people), but it’s hard not to romanticize other countries when the President of the United States sends his daughter to a meeting in his place. Which is what our president did at the G20 summit, because of course he did. Remember when Ivanka said she didn’t want to be involved in politics? Yeah.


  • Drink some cocktails and donate gently used books to incarcerated teenagers and adults at Literacy for Incarcerated Teens and Book Through Bars’ meet-and-greet. (Loki Bar, 6:30pm, FREE)
  • Stand up against fracking in the Hudson River with Food & Water Watch and the NYC Grassroots Alliance. Speakers will discuss fracking, nuclear waste, and more. (New York Society for Ethical Culture, 6:30pm, FREE)
  • The Brooklyn Anti-Gentrification Network is having a meeting where they’ll discuss their plan for the Brooklyn-Wide Day of Action Against Racism, Gentrification, and Police Brutality as well as other upcoming events. (Solidarity Center NYC, 7pm,  FREE)



  • Humanities New York is a panel discussion honoring the 2017 New York State Centennial of Women’s Suffrage, featuring Tamika Mallory, one of the co-chairs of the Women’s March; author Jessica Crispin; historian Kim Phillips-Fein; and curator Sarah Seidman. The discussion will be moderated by the New Yorker’s Jia Tolentino. (Federal Hall, 6:30pm, FREE)
  • Transportation Alternatives is hosting a teach-in, where you can learn everything you’ve always wanted to know about local politics and government but were too afraid to ask. (TransAlt Office, 6:30pm, FREE)
  • Reparations365 is a series of community conversations exploring intersectionality as it relates to reparations. This is the first discussion in the series, and speakers include Sasha Hohri of Concerned Japanese Americans and Sheldon Raymore of the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe. There will be food! (JACK, 6:30pm,  FREE)
  • Rise & Resist is having their weekly meeting, where they’ll plan upcoming protest actions and other events. Everyone is encouraged to attend! (Church of the Village, 7pm)



  • Learn about how we can change the state’s Constitution at this event hosted by the Citizen’s Union and other community groups. (Cooper Union, 6:30pm)
  • Learn about mass incarceration and what can be done to combat it at this meeting led by CLOSE Rikers and the Challenging Incarceration Coalition. (Project Reach NYC, 6:30pm)
  • SAFE NYC, an immigrant advocacy organization, is having their monthly meeting this Wednesday. (The Rockefeller University, 6:30pm)
  • New Women Space is hosting a community potluck and discussion with local feminist activists, including Australian journalist Rachel Hill and curator and activist Lena Chen. (New Women Space, 7pm, suggested donation $5 – $15)
  • All the proceeds from this comedy show, headlined by women will benefit Girls Write Now, a local writing and mentoring organization for high school girls. (Knitting Factory BK, 7pm, $15)



  • Protest the healthcare bill at this die-in protest in Foley Square. Be sure to bring a sign, preferably one shaped like a tombstone, and get ready to lie on the ground for a while. (Foley Square, 6:30pm)
  • Georgetown professor and former federal prosecutor Paul Butler will discuss his latest book, Chokehold: Policing Black Men, at this Brooklyn Historical Society event. (Brooklyn Historical Society, 6:30pm, $5)
  • Local health policy advocate Judy Wessler will be speaking about healthcare at the latest installation of NY Indivisible’s speaker series. (St. John’s Lutheran Church, 6:30pm, FREE)
  • Peoples Power Assemblies is protesting police brutality, the death of Sandra Bland, and the deaths of hundreds of others who have been killed by police. (Intersection of Flatbush Ave. & Nostrand Ave, 6:30pm)



  • WISE and the MAS Youth Center Queens are hosting a self-defense class for Muslim women. (46-01 20th Ave., 7pm, FREE)
  • All the proceeds from this punk rock karaoke benefit Certain Days: Freedom for Political Prisoners Calendar, a fundraising and educational project that partners with three political prisoners in maximum-security prisons across the state. (Pine Box Rock Shop, 9pm, $10)



  • Protest unfair and exploitative labor conditions and stand with workers at the March for Fair Trade. (Union Square, 12pm)
  • Learn about radical parenting and how to turn your kids into little activists at Radical Playdate, a community event for parents and children of all ages. (Interference Archive, 1pm)
  • Minnesota House Rep. Ilhan Omar will talk about being a Muslim-American legislator and the experiences that got her there, from fleeing Somalia’s civil war and spending four years in a refugee camp to becoming involved in local politics. (32BJ, 4pm, FREE)
  • It’s time for a friendly reminder that most Americans, New Yorkers included, didn’t vote for Trump. Protest the Trump administration and its attacks on basically anyone who isn’t a white guy this weekend. (Trump Tower New York, 4pm)



  • Framing things in the context of “Trump’s America” is a good way of getting people to pay attention, but it’s important to think beyond the president. This community organizing training session will teach you how to do just that. (Brooklyn Community Foundation, 10am, suggested $20+ donation)
Gaby Del Valle :

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